Learn Spanish online with free resources (audio/video, grammar, vocabulary, verbs, etc.)

My name is Jeff Blum (JB), another language learner like yourself. This site is a carefully selected collection of the best Spanish language learning resources I have found in my efforts to the learn the language. I started the site because I wanted to share a great novel written for Spanish learners (written by professors, not me). Over the years I have expanded the collection of resources bit by bit. I hope the idea of finding the best learning resources efficiently assembled and accessed in one place proves helpful to you.

Most Recent Content

  1. 17 Instagram accounts for learning Spanish

    These Instagram accounts for learning Spanish will help you master the language while browsing social networks and enjoying yourself.

  2. Tr-ex.me

    Tr-ex.me is a bilingual contextual dictionary, containing translations of various phrases. For each translation, it has various example sentences demonstrating usage.

    Tr-ex.me es un diccionario contextual bilingue, conteniendo traducciones de varias frases. Para cada traduccion, tenemos ejemplos de uso en varias oraciones. Los ejemplos son tomados de millones de textos previamente traducidos que van desde dialogos (subtitulos de peliculas), hasta documentos oficiales de sitios web multilenguaje. … [ Read more ]

  3. Study Spanish

    Study Spanish provides a fairly comprehensive amount of free material – you’ll need to join to gain access to anything beyond the preliminary grammar exercises, but the tutorials are quite informative and verb drills helpful if you’re struggling with conjugation.

  4. Dictionary.com Spanish Lesson

    This is an old 10-part Spanish lesson from Dictionary.com that is no longer available (the link is to an Archive.org copy). It involves a student named Kristen arriving to study in Barcelona. Each lesson is text-only and not terribly long. There is also an option to show or hide the English translation. No explanations of vocabulary or grammar are provided, so really this serves more … [ Read more ]

  5. Exlirere Para el Alma: Poemas, relatos y cuentos

    As the title indicates, a collection of poems, stories, and tales in Spanish. The site is a bit old and not so pretty but the content is still there to be enjoyed.

Most Popular Content

  1. Ser and Estar
    One of the most stressful parts of learning Spanish for many language learners, other than the subjunctive and para vs. por, is knowing the difference between ser and estar. But it doesn´t have to be stressful! While both of these verbs mean "to be" and are used all the time in daily communication, the following simple rules should help you to differentiate between the two. … [ Read more ]

  2. Notes from ¿Qué tal? - Weather/Seasons
    ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?

    Here are some colorful expressions for commenting on the weather.

    • Llueve a cãntaros. It's raining cats and dogs (lit., raining jugfuls).
    • Estoy calado/a hasta los huesos. I'm soaking wet (lit., soaked to the bones).
    • Hace un frio/calor de morirse. It's extremely cold/hot (lit., so cold/hot you could die).
    • Hace un frio/calor espantoso. It's awfully (frightfully) cold/hot.

    [ Read more ]

  3. Noche Oscura en Lima - Chapter 1
    El reloj de la catedral de Lima[1] acababa de dar las siete. Aunque no era muy tarde, las calles de la ciudad ya estaban envueltas en las sombras de la noche. Era una noche oscura. El viento, lanzando gritos, cogía el polvo de las calles y lo arrojaba al aire. Arriba unas nubes negrísimas corrían rápidamente a través del cielo.

    Manuel … [ Read more ]

  4. Noche Oscura

    My name is Jeff Blum (JB), another language learner like yourself. This site is a carefully selected collection of the best Spanish language learning resources I have found in my efforts to the learn the language. I started the site because I wanted to share a great novel written for Spanish learners (written by professors, not me). Over … [ Read more ]

  5. DonPotter.net
    Spanish teacher Don Potter has put together some helpful resources for learning Spanish. In particular, he offers a free PDF copy of Spanish Grammar by Eric. V. Greenfield along with accompanying audio.

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