Piropos Cortos

Miles de piropos para chicas y chicos. Piropos de amor, amistad, originales, para ligar…

Thousands of compliments for girls and boys. Compliments of love, friendship, original, to flirt …

33 Maneras de Hablar con el Verbo Llevar

Llevar es uno de los verbos del idioma español más confusos para un extranjero por las diferentes acciones que llevamos a cabo con él. En este post vas a encontrar 33 ideas para hablar con el verbo llevar, además de transportar.

101 Palabras en Español que Pueden Confundirte

Estas 101 palabras, en realidad más de 202, forman parte del listado de más de 1001 términos que pueden generar dudas a un extranjero que aprende español, bien al oído o bien al escribirlas. Se trata de una recopilación de las que Practica Español las ha difundido en los últimos años por las redes sociales para que el estudiante de español se familiarice con ella. … [ Read more ]

Por vs. Para in Spanish: The Ultimate Guide

“Por vs. para?” is a common question from Spanish learners. That makes sense, as one of Spanish’s more difficult aspects is the difference between the words por and para. Like any “difficult” language feature, the usage of por and para just takes a bit of practice to get right. Let’s dig into how you can learn the difference between them.

Doubts With Soccer in Spanish? The Linguistic Coach Has the Answers

What the hell is a tiquitaca? Is it fúbol or futbol? How do you say MVP in Spanish?

If you have doubts with soccer in Spanish you should follow the weekly boards of Fundéu’s linguistic coach. Yes, the Fundéu (Fundación de Español Urgente) publishes a weekly infographic called Jugada Lingüistica or Linguistic Play where they give valuable tips on how to use soccer terms in Spanish. … [ Read more ]

Spanish Sentence Starters and Filler Words (Muletillas): The Grease of the Language Gears

An extremely common problem amongst people learning a new language is smoothness, that ability to keep talking without herky-jerky stop-and-starts in their sentences (lots of awkward silences and “ummms” while they try to think of the right word), and a specific area of this that’s almost never addressed anywhere that I’ve noticed a lot of people have trouble with is how exactly to start a … [ Read more ]

Words Galore

A free flashcard program with downloadable files, including one of the 1000 most popular Spanish words and one with 9,100 Spanish sound files.

The Matrix: Spanish Word Comparisons

This handy .pdf file lists some common vocabulary words and illustrates how they differ across Spanish speaking countries.

20 Words and Phrases to Start Texting in Spanish

English speakers are not alone in using netspeak to create number-filled, abbreviated, and strangely-spelled messages for speed, efficiency and making messages impenetrable to others. Here are examples of 20 commonly-used expressions throughout the Spanish-texting world, with a more detailed explanation of the rules that underlie their formation, so you can decode them as you go along si quieres, if you like. Many phrases can be … [ Read more ]

Notes from Spanish Step by Step by Charles Berlitz

These are the notes I took while reading the book, Spanish Step by Step by Charles Berlitz. Chapters/topics incldue:

[ Read more ]


Tatoeba is a large database of example sentences translated into several languages.

The Spanglish Lex List

Matthew Bennett has lived and worked in Spain for more than a decade as a translator and language teacher. His free Spanish learning e-mail newsletter lets you:

1. Broaden your Spanish vocabulary every weekday with a few daily words & phrases related to current affairs topics;
2. Think about how to structure Spanish sentences with some example sentences for you … [ Read more ]


Erik Larson set out to build the LangLadder jetpack project to make learning a foreign language more enjoyable by reducing two common obstacles.

1.) Eliminate the choice between free time and language learning by merging the two. According to a December 2009 research study, an average net user surfs the web 13 hours per week excluding email. That is almost 2 hours on the web per … [ Read more ]


Each country has its own version of Spanish…
Here you can learn Spanish slang from many places.

Uses of The Spanish Verb Dar

Ben y Marina at Notes in Spanish offer up this useful look at 34 excellent ‘Dar’ phrases and expressions that are commonly used by Spanish speakers every day.


Dramatically increase your vocabulary so you’re comfortable & confident in any situation. Get help from a personal tutor. Study online 24/7 and meet people from around the world.

¿Que pasa? A collection of Spanish hellos and goodbyes

This page is intended to help beginners of Spanish break out of the ‘¿que pasa?’ rut , by presenting a collection of ‘meeting’ and ‘parting’ expressions in current use throughout Spain and South America.

Editor’s Note: my link is to an archived copy of the site since the original was on geocities which no longer exists.

Medical Spanish

Comprehensive website with a medical Spanish focus. Resources include a daily word, sections on medical vocabulary and basic vocabulary, and a cultural section. There are also courses for various health care workers, and an extensive medical Spanish dictionary, complete with audio.